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Castleman UK


The Power of Consultancy

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It may not be obvious to you but having an independent expert come and cast an eye over your operations can have some dramatic impacts on your hospitality business.

For over a year now we have been working with HIT Training supporting their sales teams by promoting apprenticeships and training in hotels where they didn’t have a presence. As part of the package we were encouraged to offer a day’s consultancy to evaluate training needs and staff development as we saw it.

A number of hoteliers took up the offer and quite frankly we were able to make a real difference in their establishments,

In reality the costs associated with this kind of activity are fairly minimal and the return on investment can be huge. It’s worth some consideration.

Our First Newsletter

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For some time now it had been our intention to publish a regular newsletter full of helpful tips and advice to support the people we know and the hospitality industry in general. If you don’t wish to receive any future editions then please take the time to unsubscribe yourself at the foot of the page. If you have chosen to stick with us a little longer, we welcome you and hope that you find our content of interest. Read more.

In this edition we explore:

  • What you should know about your guest’s allergies
  • The power of consultancy when it comes to evaluating training needs and gaps in manpower performance
  • Our first star product that’s linked to Capitol Express, soon to be launched

Future editions will go onto looking at topical hospitality issues, marketing & training and a feature called Learn Something New found under the Quick Links section.

This month we will also launching our new Castleman website with some very exciting new features that may be of value to you. Please watch out for it and thank you for your interest.